Logo Competition

We Appreciate your Participation

The Spot

We are dedicated to build an environment that will create happiness for everyone and every paw, it is our passion to ensure that “The Spot” will always represent people and our community!

So we would love you to help us create the most important part of the building together. Our Logo!

The new logo will be displayed on the external of the building, on elevators, brouchers and many other spots!

The Spot logo competition is open now and will be closed on Monday 15th of June 2020. Please submit your designed logo that will represent what we love…YOU!

The winner will receive a $200 Donto Sapporo meal voucher and $300 cash prize totaling $500!!!
We look forward to seeing your designs and thank you for helping us build “The Spot”

Pets are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal.

    Submit your logo design